Want to Create the Best ‘About Us’ Page for Your Website? Follow these Tips

It is not easy to create the most compelling feature of a website, i.e., the About Us page. Hence, this is the one shot to create the best impression on your visitors: to build a relationship with them and establish trust. If you ace at creating the best About Us page, it can help you in boosting your sales. Customers want to know who are they shopping from and this can only be acknowledged by the About Us page. If you are building a website WordPress, have a look at these WordPress beginner tutorials, before you create a copy for your About Us page. This article highlights on how to ace at creating the best About Us page ever.

  1. Be an honest storyteller

When your customers want to know what your company is about, they refer to your About Us page as it tells them what you do and why you do it. Articulate it in such a way that it is compelling yet in an honest way. Tell them how your company came into being, where you have been, where you are right now and how you reached there. Also mention the problems you faced and how you fixed them. Know that it is not all about mentioning the company values, mission, vision, purpose. It is about how you fix the customers’ problems by the means of your services. Be real. When you make your customers believe in your story, they will buy products from you.

  1. Seek your voice to use it consistently

Seeking the tone of your voice is not at all associated with what you have to say, but how you say it. Your tone and the choice of words will determine what personality you showcase to your potential clients. The copy of your About Us page must always be precise, consistent and relevant to people you want to transform into loyal customers. Always keep in mind to keep the voice consistent on the rest of the website as well, no matter if you are writing emails, press releases, and other content.

  1. Showcase your staff

Customers love knowing the people involved in your company, so upload their photos. Tell them who is on your team, what they do, their backgrounds, qualifications, product related certifications etc. These details let the customers get acquainted with the people they can trust involved in your product. In order to keep these bios compelling, you can also add some out of the box details about your team like what offbeat activities they have a knack for.

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