3 Tips For Making A Big Career Jump

When people reach the end of their life and are in their assisted living communities, you’ll find so many who wish they would have spent more of their life doing what they loved and were passionate about rather than just sticking with the same old thing, especially when it comes to their job. Knowing this, you might want to consider if you’re really happy with the work that you’ve been doing and whether or not you might want to make a career change.

If you find yourself feeling like a career change could be right for you, here are three tips for making a big career jump. 

Understand What You Want To Change

Before you make a big change like this, it’s good to know exactly what you’re wanting to change and how you think these changes will benefit you. 

Sometimes, people wrongly assume that starting a new career will resolve some of the problems they’re experiencing in their life, be it professionally or personally. So if this is what you’re wanting from your career change, you’ll first need to know what isn’t working and what could work better with a new career. 

Ask yourself what your goals are with your new career. You could also consider what it is you don’t like about your current job or career and how you think your new career will be different. 

Put Together A Solid Plan

Once you’ve determined that starting a new career is the solution to the problems you’ve been having, you should then create a plan for how you’ll put your new career into place. Especially for those who are already established or have people they’re financially responsible for, making a career change usually needs to be carefully planned out. 

As part of your plan, think about what you need to do in order to get to a point where you’re feeling successful at your new career. This might include getting additional education or certifications. You should also come up with a timeline for how long you think all of this will take. Try to be as realistic as possible with this timeline.

Consider Starting With A Lateral Move

If after making your plan for a big career move you start to feel a little intimidated by everything that’s going to be set before you, you might want to first consider starting with a lateral move that could get you closer to what you’re wanting and solve some of your problems. You might find that even a small change in what you’re doing and where you’re working can be a big improvement without having to make too big of a change. 

If you’re thinking that you might want to make a big career jump, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make this happen. 

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