3 Things To Consider When Renovating A Home For Aging In Place

While some elderly people will get to the point where they can no longer take care of themselves and will need to move into an assisted living facility, for those who are able to stay in their own homes, there are usually some renovations that will need to happen in order for them to continue safely inhabiting this space. So to help make aging in place easier to do, here are three things to consider when renovating a home for aging in place. 

Consider Both Now And The Future

Ideally, you should try to make changes to an elderly loved one’s home before those changes become absolutely necessary. But in order to do this, you’ll have to think about what they’re needing now and what they could possibly be needing in the future as well. But because you can’t know how someone’s health is going to change, this can be a challenge.

As a good rule of thumb, it’s wise to try to make renovations to an elderly person’s home that will allow for things like wider doors and hallways, changes to door hardware to make opening doors easier, installing non-slip flooring, putting in grab bars at strategic locations, and more. Even if you don’t think your loved one will need these things now, as they age and their health changes, having these renovations already done can be a literal lifesaver. 

Make Safety Your Top Priority

As you think about the changes that may need to be done in a home to allow someone to age in place, the top priority of these renovations should be to enhance the safety of the home while the person is living there. 

In most situations, mobility is going to take top priority. With this in mind, you should focus on changes that make it possible for them to move through their home safely. This can include things like installing adequate lighting so that they can see well, redesigning space so there’s more room to maneuver around, and removing anywhere where there might be steps that they’d have to take around the home. 

Aim For Ease Of Household Tasks

Another thing that you can and should do with home renovations for aging in place is to seek to make household tasks as easy as possible. Because even basic household tasks can be harder and even dangerous for older people, making adjustments to the home so that these things can be simple and efficient is vital. 

For example, you may want to reconfigure storage options so there aren’t spaces too high or too low to reach into anymore. You could also bring in appliances or new technology to help with things like keeping track of appointments, managing prescriptions, turning off the stove or oven, and much more. 

If you’re going to be helping with home renovations for someone who will seek to age in place, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you make the right decisions. 

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